18 January 2008

Here I Am

And so begins my journey into the blogosphere. How very exciting.
You may be wondering why on earth I am starting a blog in the first place. As I've discovered, many blogs are themed. For example, a new parent may keep a blog of the goings-on in the family, as to keep extended relatives informed; a traveling student may keep a blog about his or her studies abroad. A group of people might keep a blog about a common interest, like cats or NASCAR. Obviously, not a one of these applies to me. So, I suppose the reason behind my blogging is just to write. In the future, I plan on doing journalistical sorts of things, and these things always include writing. And you know what they say. Practice, practice practice. And apparently, when you apply for a job, they like you to have "experience," or something along those lines. So here goes.

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