08 December 2008

While You Were Freeping

I found quite a gem while poking around Poynter the other day. This gem is a series by the Detroit Free Press on Christ Child House, a non-profit on Detroit's west side. Take time to read the stories, watch the videos, and look at ALL the photographs. Trust me.

This series, honestly, is an example of what I aspire to and why I do what I do and I study what I study. The reporters who worked on this story worked on it for three years. Three years. Is there any one thing that I've done or worked on for three years? Three weeks? Three DAYS?

I mean, school, sure. Projects and papers galore. I suppose I have finished great books on my own, without it being a school assignment. I suppose I have done meaningful, albeit possibly mostly personal, work in South America and the poor poor city of Detroit, so I guess the question kind of falls apart, but you get the idea. These people worked on something important. They shed light into an infamous and sometimes dark and scary aspect of society, the foster care system; they spotlighted a great organization, Christ Child House, and, more importantly, the children who live there.

That there be what I likes to call journalism.

1 questions/comments:

Debbie said...

I read the article. And thought of you the whole time.